Standing for the Conservatives

In the last parliament, College Green Group guided over 150 people through the Conservative Party’s approval process with an 86% success rate; 65% securing the highest level passes.

More than 40 clients stood for election in 2024 and four were elected as new MPs.

Whilst we await any changes the new Conservative Party Leader may make, our services are set out in more detail below.

Getting approved

It is highly likely that you will still need to get on the ‘Approved List’ in order to be allowed to apply to individual seats.

That process will almost certainly begin with an application form, setting out your values and passions, alongside your past experiences. We can work with you to develop the strongest aspects of your life story and present them to ensure you pass this first hurdle.

There will be a due diligence process, with a deep-dive into your online history and references taken. A pre-emptive investigation can discover things you may have long forgotten and prevent these derailing your journey.

The approval process is likely to retain the competency interview, online tests and in-person exercises. To show the best of yourself, you need to become familiar with the challenges, develop your approach to them and practise your delivery. We can work with you to give you the best chance of success.

We can’t change who you are or what you believe. But we can help you demonstrate that you have the Conservative values party members want to see and present the assessors with compelling stories about you, your life and your campaigning, to convince them that you would make an excellent elected representative.

Getting selected

To get selected for a constituency, you need to convince local members that you are the right person for them. Each Conservative constituency selects its candidate based on a separate application and a series of interviews and hustings. College Green Group can help you to maximise your chances of securing that dream seat.

Having a dedicated, political, online presence helps you to showcase yourself to the key people in the constituencies you seek to apply to. We can build web and social media platforms to do this and help you curate and manage them.

Your seat-specific applications need to show those deciding on who should progress that you know the issues affecting the constituency. We can help you with research into the seats you apply for, and help you write stand-out, seat-specific applications.

Once called for an interview or to a final hustings meeting, you need to bring all your experiences and knowledge together to win over the local members. We can help you write and deliver a knock-out speech and prepare you to wow the room in the Q&A which follows.

Getting elected

Assembling the coalition of voters to win your seat requires you to lead a team of activists to deliver across a wide range of disciplines. College Green Group is here to help ensure your success.

Our expert team has helped candidates standing to be MPs, Police & Crime Commissioners, Mayors and Councillors. We can help recruit and train your team, identify the target voters you need to persuade, build your online campaign infrastructure, integrate this with traditional campaigning and manage your campaign messaging and data capture.

We can provide high-level, strategic advice or on-the-ground practical solutions – or both – to get you over the line on Polling Day.

Book a call with John Moss to discuss in more detail how we can help you prepare:  / +44 (0)20 7776 9000