Your monthly guide to sustainability and ESG policy developments

College Green Group’s monthly Sustainability Bulletin is your guide to the latest sustainability and ESG policy updates assessed against shifting political priorities, trends and potential headwinds. Subscribers benefit from a clear appraisal of recent developments as we head towards a landmark general election.

Key updates from the latest Bulletin

  • Labour’s efforts to reconcile fiscal rectitude with supporting net zero following its £28bn U-turn.
  • Dissecting the government’s pro-gas, pro-net zero policy position.
  • Spring Budget: How the Conservatives laid down the gauntlet to Labour and the repercussions for sustainability.

Each edition comprises both domestic and international updates, spanning the activities of ministers, lawmakers, regulators, and NGOs.

Authored by the team behind the Policy Liaison Group on ESG, one of the most active sustainability policy groups in Westminster, the Bulletin is tailored to meet the needs of busy sustainability, green finance, and government affairs professionals. We prioritise relevance and accessibility to give subscribers the information and insight they need in a fast-changing policy environment.

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