GE24: A view from Scotland

Photo taken by Dougie Macdonald

Scotland fell out of love with Labour for a decade in 2015. Now, after 18 years of SNP rule, might it be the SNP’s turn for a beating from the electorate? Might this be the election when the independence debate is put to bed for a generation?

The elections (so far) of 2024 – a summary

2024, dubbed a ‘super election year’ will see more than 60 countries with a combined population of two billion people will cast ballots in presidential and parliamentary elections. What has happened so far across the world?

The increasingly popular unpopularity of populism

Is populism getting more popular: Crowd of Trump supporters marching on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021

Donald Trump led Ron DeSantis by just 2% in early 2023. Now, four indictments later, he leads by 37%. Why do populist candidates increase their popularity when embroiled in scandal? Perhaps it is due to perceptions of an ‘establishment’ stitch-up.